Dear Councillor,
The enclosed Dossier relates to Planning Application
86999/11 which is to be placed before the Planning Committee on the 24th May 2012.
The Planning Application is for the building of a Superstore
on the old Bradley Mill site in Little Lever.
The Applicants are the developers Ladson Construction Ltd
and the operators of the Superstore will be Tesco.
The Applicants have been in pre-application discussions with
Officers of the Planning and Highways departments for some considerable length
of time. During those discussions, certain agreements have been reached between
the parties which will be commented on. The
committee in their wisdom may view one or more of those agreements to have been
I am led to believe that the Officers recommendation to the
Committee will be to delegate the decision on this Application to the Director
of Development and Regeneration.
In view of the size of this development and its likely
impact on all aspects of life in Little Lever from traffic to viability of existing businesses, I cannot
stress enough and recommend that this
Application ought only to be decided by the deliberations of the members of
Planning Committee themselves.
The purpose of this Dossier is to assist the Members in that
The Dossier will point out amongst the documents submitted
by the Applicant, discrepancies, deficiencies, omissions, flaws in logic and
argument, misleading statements and figures and, in one or two cases, outright
Where these relate to Planning matters and requirements (and
the vast majority do), the Committee members, should they agree with my
submissions, may consider that the Application doesn’t meet Planning
The Committee may resolve therefore, that there are
sufficient grounds for Deferral until
such matters are resolved - or even
outright Refusal.
I have attempted to design this dossier for ease of reading
by making submissions in point format. Supporting evidence, information and
facts and figures will be in related appendices linked to each point.
Where I am expressing merely my opinion I will say so.
I apologise for the length of the dossier but the devil is
in the detail.
Thanking you for your forbearance in reading and reflecting
upon the points made in this Dossier
I remain
Yours sincerely
Paul Richardson
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